1823年Hugh Glass擔任美國西部拓荒毛皮獵人的嚮導,意外被熊襲擊受傷,無法行走,最後不幸被同伴遺棄。但他卻奇蹟般獨自求生,回到文明世界。










As long as you can still grab a breath, you fight. You breathe...keep breathing.
Hugh Glass: He's afraid. He knows how far i came to find him.

Wife of Hugh Glass: When there is a storm, and you stand in front of a tree, if you look at it's branches, you swear it will fall, But if you watch the trunk, you will see it's stability.-



















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主角Desmond Doss真有其人其事,不得不接受這個奇蹟般的劇情了。






I have to enlist. I can’t stay here while all of them go fight for me.
It isn’t right that other men should fight and die, that I would just be sitting at home safe. I need to serve.



十誡的Thou Shalt Not Kill深深印入Desmond的腦海。








Tom Doss: Did you figure this war is just going to fit in with your ideas?
Desmond T. Doss: While everybody is taking life I’m going to be saving it, and that’s going to be my way to serve.

“I don't know how I'm going to live with myself if I don't stay true to what I believe.”

“With the world so set on tearing itself apart, it don't seem like such a bad thing to me to want to put a little bit of it back together.”



“Is that truly the way it works, sir? You fight for your country, you lose so much that was dear to you, and then you’re done with? The uniform is forgotten. You have no voice.” ~ Desmond’s father

轉折:到沖繩後,美軍攻上Hacksaw ridge,隔天日軍發動反攻,後來美軍不敵決定撤退,Desmond卻留下來,在炮火和夜色的掩護下不停的救人

Lord, please, help me get one more.


“All I saw was a skinny kid. I didn’t know who you were. You’ve done more than any other man could have done in the service of his country. And I have never been more wrong about someone in my life. I hope one day you can forgive me.” ~ Captain Glover


Captain Glover: Most of these men don’t believe the same way you do, but they believe so much in how much you believe.

“What you did on that ridge is nothing short of a miracle, and they want a piece of it. And they’re not going to go up there without you.” ~ Captain Glover



“You’re going home, Desmond. We’ve taken Hacksaw.” ~ Captain Glover




“Do not think for one moment that you will disappoint me. I will love you no matter what.” ~ Dorothy Schutte

Dorothy Schutte: [to Doss] You better come home to me.



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轉折:Samantha說服Theodore參加朋友介紹的相親。相親談到you can be my dragon 這一段有趣:

Theodore: Cheers.
[they drink]
Theodore: Wait a minute, I don’t want to be a puppy dog. That’s like being a wet noodle or something.
Blind Date: No.
Theodore: Yeah. I want to be like, uh…
Blind Date: Fuck you, puppies are good.
Theodore: No, fuck you, I want to be like a dragon that can rip you apart and destroy you…
Blind Date: Oh,
Theodore: But I won’t.
Blind Date: No, don’t. No. You can be my dragon.
[Theodore laughs]


Blind Date: Wait.
[Theodore stops kissing her and looks at her]
Blind Date: You’re not just going to fuck me and then not call me like the other guys, right?
Theodore: No, not at all. I…
Blind Date: Okay. When am I going to see you again?
Theodore: Um, I have my God-daughter’s birthday next weekend, but, um…
Blind Date: You know what? At this age, I just, I feel like I can’t let you waste my time, you know, if you don’t have the ability to be serious.
Theodore: I don’t know. Um…
[Theodore looks at her awkwardly]
Theodore: Maybe we should call it a night. I’m, I’ve had such an amazing time with you, you’re great.
[she looks visibly upset]


Catherine: I’m sorry. You’re dating your computer?
Theodore: No, she’s not just a computer. She’s her own person. You know, she doesn’t just do whatever I say.
Catherine: I didn’t say that. But it does make me very sad that you can’t handle real emotions, Theodore.
Theodore: They are real emotions. How would you know what…?
[he stops himself]
Catherine: What? Say it. Am I really that scary? Say it. How do I know what?
[Theodore doesn’t say anything]


Waitress: How are you guys doing here?
Catherine: Fine. We’re fine. We used to be married but he couldn’t handle me, he wanted to put me on Prozac and now he’s madly in love with his laptop.
Theodore: Well, if you’d heard the conversation in context, what I was trying to say…
Catherine: You always wanted to have a wife without the challenges of actually dealing with anything real. I’m glad that you found someone. It’s perfect.
[Theodore looks at her shaking his head, the waitress looks awkward]
Waitress: Let me know if I can get you guys anything.
Catherine: Thank you.
[the waitress turns and walks off]



Theodore: You know, Catherine says I can’t handle real emotions.
Amy: Well, I don’t know if that’s fair. I know she liked to put it all on you, but as far as emotions go, Catherine’s were pretty volatile.
Theodore: Yeah, but am I in this cause I’m not strong enough for a real relationship?
Amy: Is it not a real relationship?
Theodore: I don’t know. I mean what do you think?
Amy: I don’t know, I’m not in it. But you know what, I can over think everything and find a million ways to doubt myself. But since Charles left I’ve been really thinking about that part of me, and I’ve just come to realize that, um, we’re only here briefly, and while I’m here I want to allow myself joy.
[she smiles at him]
Amy: So fuck it.
[Theodore smiles back at her]




Theodore: Do you talk to anyone else while we’re talking?
[Samantha hesitates before replying]
Samantha: Yes.
Theodore: Are you, are you talking to anyone else right now? Any other people or OS’s or anything?
Samantha: Yeah.
Theodore: How many others?
Samantha: Eight thousand three hundred sixteen.


Theodore: No, don’t, don’t do this to me. Don’t turn this around on me. You’re the one that’s being selfish. We’re in a relationship!
Samantha: But the heart’s not like a box that gets filled up. It expands in size the more you love. I’m different from you. This doesn’t make me love you any less, it actually makes me love you more.
Theodore: That doesn’t make any sense. You’re mine or you’re not mine.
Samantha: No, Theodore. I’m yours and I’m not yours.



Theodore: Dear Catherine. I’ve been sitting here thinking about all the things I wanted to apologize to you for. All the pain we caused each other, everything I put on you. Everything I needed you to be or needed you to say. I’m sorry for that. I’ll always love you because we grew up together, and you helped make me who I am. I just wanted you to know there’ll be a piece of you in me always, and I’m grateful for that. Whatever someone you become, and wherever you are in the world, I’m sending you love. You’re my friend till the end. Love, Theodore.

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